Thursday, December 3, 2015

How to Clean Dirt

How to Clean Dirt Ear. In the ears of every human being there is a liquid that is a medical term cerumen. Ear fluid called cerumen is produced by the region in the outer third of the ear hole. The existence of this ear fluid contains protective material and antibacterial properties which are responsible cleaning the ear naturally.

The ideal number of ear fluid does give many benefits, but when excessive it becomes dangerous. Especially when it dries or hardens in large quantities, then the natural cleansing mechanism is not going to happen due to the difficulty out through the ear hole. For that, you need to know how to clean the ears of excessive (dries or hardens) safely and correctly. This treatment can be done at home and very easy.

How to Clean Dirt Ear?

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There are a few things to note when cleaning the dirt in the ear hole. A habit that has certainly done repeatedly by many people are using cotton-bud for cleaning the ears.

You need to know, is actually a function of the cleaning tool is repel dirt on the surface of the ear and ear canal, instead of opening the inner ear canal, because it is dangerous.

As was said earlier, earwax will come out naturally towards the outside. But if you have been using cotton-bud under the pretext of helping so that dirt can get out more quickly, quite the contrary. Ear wax will be pushed inward toward the eardrum. Danger or negative impacts are accumulated dirt on the eardrum can reduce your hearing ability.

Therefore, in order not to mention one in the process of cleaning the ear. You can follow some tips or a safe way to clean the dirt in the ear following.

1. First make sure that you do not have an infection of the ear

According to some literature, forcing remove the dirt inside the ear when the infection is very dangerous. So to avoid the impact, you are not allowed to clean up the ear independently. Perform medical visits to the ENT clinic to obtain the best solution.

Symptoms of ear infections or problems:

  • Fever

  • Vomiting or diarrhea

  • There is a yellow or green fluid that emit odors

  • Pain in the ear

2. Olive Oil

Olive oil has many uses. Ranging from skin care to health. The good news, you can use olive oil to clean the dirt in the ear

How to clean the ears with olive oil:

  1. Pour a few ml of olive oil in a small bowl.

  1. Round shape piece of cotton, then dip it in warm olive oil.

  1. Squeeze over the same bowl so as not storing excess fluid.

  1. Paste cotton in your ear, wait 15 minutes, remove.

  1. Repeat until the dirt in the ear decreases.

3. Baby Oil

No warning indeed, baby oil has many uses unexpected very helpful human needs (adult). Some uses it for example to clean the brushes make-up, removing make-up of the eyes, moisturize the skin, nails starred in a way menghidrasinya, helping the process of exfoliation, which is easy to dry her hair, tattoo removal contemporary, and clean the earwax. Is the same as using olive oil.

4. Vinegar White and Alcohol

Prepare materials in the form of white vinegar and alcohol (isopropyl) 70%. Mix both ingredients of this natural ear cleaner into a glass or mug. Both these fluids commonly used by swimmers to clean ear infections external ear canal due to residual water trapped in the ear after swimming. Alcohol helps the rest of the trapped water evaporates.

How to use:

  1. Soak a cotton ball on a mug or cup containing a mixture of vinegar and alcohol earlier.

  1. Tilt your head to the side or ear fit which would be cleaned.

  1. Squeeze calmly cotton ball until the second material is a liquid solution into the ear with the help of gravity. Wait until you feel the dirt vinegar soaks and warm due to alcohol.

  1. If so, tilt your head to the opposite direction and let the remaining solvent out.

5. Salt Solution

Best liquid cleanser to remove earwax are the salt of choice. Immediately: dissolving the salt in water to taste, then wear cotton to drip into the ear to be cleaned, replace the other ear to ear when the cleaning process has been completed first.

6. Warm Water

If not want to be bothered, you can just warm water dripping into the ear hole. Strive to you do I clean the earwax is when after a bath.

7. Coconut Oil

The use of coconut oil here is quite unique. You have to pour oil on the spoon fruit, then heat a spoon with a candle flame. Wait a bit warm spoon and then dip a cotton ball, squeeze the excess oil that disappears, then plug cotton into your ears. Cleaning mechanism will occur because of the heat given coconut oil will deteriorate the earwax.

8. Glycerin

What it glycerine? Glycerin is a colorless viscous liquid that holds the sweet flavor when tasted on. Immediately, you practice home recipes of this liquid. Drop 2 to 3 times the liquid glycerin into the ear, then wash small cotton disposable ear. Repeat until the ear is clean.

9. Apple Vinegar

Combine apple vinegar with warm water. Soak a cotton ball and squeeze until the water dripping into the ear. Let the liquid works by itself. Do not forget to repeat this process if it is considered sufficiently effective and have a positive impact on your ears.

10. Use Ear Pick

There is an ear cleaning products are easy to use, the name of ear pick. The usefulness of jam nmembersihkan earpick ear also avoid all the dangers that can be generated when cleaning the ear with other products. This product is suitable for babies, toddlers, and adults. You can buy it in pharmacies at affordable prices.

11. Consumption of Vitamin C

According to wikiHow, vitamin C is consumed regularly can minimize pile of earwax naturally. This may be an internal way to clean ears, you please try it for yourself whether effective or not.

Things That Don'ts When Ear Cleaning

There are some things that should be avoided and should not be done about how to clean the dirt in the ear this:

  • Do not use a long sharp object to remove cerumen from the ears.

  • Avoid using cotton-bud because doctors have banned the use of these objects when to scrape dried fluid in the ear.

  • Never use ear candling treatment because it can cause serious damage to the ear (Submitted by the FDA in 2010).

If indeed the production of cerumen has caught a lot so you find it difficult to hear, immediately consult with a health professional.

How Often Should I Clean Ear?

Cerumen is a vital part of your ear, if cleaned too often the impact on dry and itchy ears. On the other hand, if you let the fluid builds up in the ear, then there was a blockage which bring adverse effects. Conflicting and confusing indeed.

Therefore, how to safely and solutions that can be selected is to regularly clean the ears and a little inside every time runs bath using a wet towel or cotton soaked in warm water. Here, you do not have to clean the whole, fairly outer part, which is important cleanliness is maintained.

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